
TheEfficientMarketsHypothesisisaninvestmenttheoryprimarilyderivedfromconceptsattributedtoEugeneFama'sresearchwork.,Theefficient-markethypothesis(EMH)isahypothesisinfinancialeconomicsthatstatesthatassetpricesreflectallavailableinformation.,2021年8月23日—效率市場假說(EfficientMarketHypothesis,簡稱EMH),中文也可以稱為有效市場假說,是由美國經濟學家尤金‧法馬(EugeneFama)在1970年代提出的。它 ...,202...

Efficient Markets Hypothesis

The Efficient Markets Hypothesis is an investment theory primarily derived from concepts attributed to Eugene Fama's research work.


The efficient-market hypothesis (EMH) is a hypothesis in financial economics that states that asset prices reflect all available information.

效率市場假說是什麼?對投資策略有什麼影響?正面觀點vs ...

2021年8月23日 — 效率市場假說(Efficient Market Hypothesis,簡稱EMH),中文也可以稱為有效市場假說, 是由美國經濟學家尤金‧法馬(Eugene Fama)在1970年代提出的。 它 ...

What Is the Efficient Market Hypothesis?

2022年5月11日 — The efficient market hypothesis argues that current stock prices reflect all existing available information, making them fairly valued as ...

Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)

The efficient markets hypothesis (EMH) argues that markets are efficient, leaving no room to make excess profits by investing since everything is already fairly ...

The Weak, Strong, and Semi

The efficient market hypothesis posits that the market cannot be beaten because it incorporates all important information into current share prices, so stocks ...

Efficient Market Hypothesis Definition

Efficient Market Hypothesis. States that all relevant information is fully and immediately reflected in a security's market price, thereby assuming that an ...

Efficient Market Hypothesis

The efficient market hypothesis (EMH) is a theory of investments in which investors have perfect information and act rationally in acting on that information.


效率市場假說(英語:Efficient-market hypothesis,縮寫為EMH),又譯為效率市場假說,一個經濟學學說,由尤金·法馬(Eugene Fama)於1970年深化並提出的,是投資學中 ...